kalau suka silalah teruskan membaca , taksuka sila klik X di penjuru kanan skrin anda . tQ (!)

Oct 13, 2010

.I n t e r v i e w.

Heyyo diaries...

Pagi ni tadi aku menghadiri interview di MRails International Sdn Bhd. Huge company . Mmg rasa berdebar sgt. Dah lama aku tinggalkan dunia interviewing ni . Tapi demi masa depan aku beranikan diri dan yakinkan diri yg aku boleh . Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar . Aku harap aku dpt that job . And for sure aku akan kerja bersungguh2 . Amin ....

And for those yg akan menghadapi interview session dlm masa terdekat ni , aku suggestkan few things u shud do and shouldn't ;

1. Prepared everthing . Your resume, your certificate, photograph, photostate i/c and all things related.

2. Dress to impressed .

3. Get information about the company before you attend the interview.

4. Confident level should b 100% .

5. Dont talk rubbish about your previous company .

6. Smile and when the interviewer talk to you look at his eyes . and show him that u are interested .

7. If you dont get that job, face it and send a thank you mail for that company coz spend a time to interviewed you . Maybe they call you next time if any vacancies available . Who knoe's rite ;)

Good Luck !

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